A footage from Sarah Boone 2020 Suitcase video, in which she zipped her partner so tightly that he could barely breathe, was available for TikTok users to view.
Since his girlfriend was presented to the court on suspicion of second-degree murder, interest in a man’s death in 2020 that was caused by an innocent game of hide and seek has increased.
Sarah Boone of Florida was arrested by police in February 2020 and charged with murder after leaving her lover Jorge Torres Jr. zipped inside a suitcase for hours while pretending to be playing a game.
The couple played hide-and-seek while sipping wine, the Daily Mail reported. Jorge supposedly hid inside a suitcase until Sarah found him there and zipped him inside.
TikTok Video of Sarah Boone’s Suitcase Goes Viral
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Online users were able to watch a clip of Sarah Boone’s 2020 Suitcase video, in which she zipped her partner so tightly that he was unable to breathe.
In a two-minute video found on Boone’s phone, she is purportedly shown smiling while calling Torres names. Despite having problems breathing, the boyfriend kept yelling her name. Boone replies that he choked her in that manner.
The man can be heard screaming, “I can’t breathe,” from inside the bag, and Sarah said, “This is for everything you have done to me. Stupid.” Jorge kept saying he couldn’t breathe while Sarah lay unconscious in her bed, naively hoping he could wake up on his own.
On January 30, three years after the horrible incident, Sarah will show up for a pretrial hearing.
Did Sarah Boone Intentionally Zip Her Boyfriend?
Sarah Boone asserted that she was unaware that her boyfriend might still be in the bag until she awoke several hours later to the sound of her phone ringing frequently.
Before understanding that he was still locked, she thought her boyfriend was someplace downstairs. She claimed that when she opened the suitcase, Torres was unconscious and not breathing.
She dialed 911 before deputies arrived and discovered Torres had passed dead.
Jorge was lying on the floor near the blue bag when deputies showed up at the House to investigate the report. The arrest report states that Sarah panicked when she realized she hadn’t seen Jorge since she had zipped him into the luggage.
Investigators discovered a video showing Torres squirming around within the luggage and pleading to be released, shattering her account when they discovered it on her phone.
The accusation against Sarah Boone is that she killed Jorge Torres Jr.
After her partner died in a suitcase in 2020, Sarah Boone is charged with second-degree murder.
Following allegations that she taunted her partner as he begged to be released and left him to suffocate in a suitcase, Boone is scheduled to appear in court charged with second-degree murder.
Sarah Boone’s defense lawyer stated that he intends to employ a battered spouse defense when her case goes to trial, which is anticipated to occur this year.
The defense attorney advised the judge at a pretrial hearing on January 17 that the case “is not ready for trial” and that he still needed to talk with Boone and find relevant specialists for her defense.
The attorney also asked that the trial be set for April because he had another case in February.